Nature is the Mother of all creatures. Such a simple and long lasting philosophy should always remind us to promote ‘Friendliness in mind - Faith in our behaviour - and Beauty in our relationships’.
Since more than two hundred years ago, especially after the 2
nd World War, either on purpose or non-intentionally, human beings have speedily competed to search for better technology by which to exploit our natural resources.
It is the greed of men to force nature to follow humans’ wanting. Nguyen Du, a famous poet, has said:
“Cho hay muôn sự tại Trời; Trời kia đã bắt làm người có thân; Bắt phong trần phải phong trần; Cho thanh cao mới được phần thanh cao!” Our Mother Nature has become increasingly angry towards the many disrespecting behaviours of human beings.
SPERI has long been committed to research the different functions as well as value systems and the relational behaviours between humans and nature at each highland eco-system zone along the Mekong. All the highland watershed areas are the lands of indigenous communities who by days and nights are the ones often worshiping our Mother Nature. The land is also the birth place and nurtures the roots of our human being throughout evolution.
SPERI has rooted our actions in ‘Feeding the Soil” and “Nurturing Nature” philosophy. We are proud of this philosophy and have attempted to turn from mind to action in the daily activities of not only current and prospective indigenous minorities, but also SPERI’s staff.
'Nurturing Nature’ is a belief but also a part of the traditional ethical system. It is the most civilized way of interacting between men and men, and men and nature. We can sense the deep engagement and sense of purity and honesty in the daily life of the indigenous ethnic minorities in the Mekong region. Nurturing Nature is a belief of the indigenous ethnic minorities which must be recognized as many other religious practice'.
Tran Thi Lanh 1992