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Photobook: Interdependence with Nature (2022) (06/03/2024)
The photobook “Interdependence with Nature" is a humble collection of personal sharings from the farmers who practice ecological farming in Ha Tinh and Quang Binh, the two provinces in Central Vietnam. Applying the principle of interdependence with the “Forest - Milpa - Rice Field” system, these farmers are maintaining and developing a sustainable ecological farming method which is vulnerable to the monoculture agriculture and the abuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides in the slope ecosystem in Vietnam. This farming method also brings a positive impact on climate change.

Biodiversity, Green Economy and Carbon Finance  (31/01/2024)
Now with the interdependent harmony of the Earth thoroughly undermined humans are waking up to their mistake and trying to re-embed a greener economy to help save the Earth. 
Logical and Transparent Institutionalization of the Ownership and the Owner's representativeness in the land related legislation Logical and Transparent Institutionalization of the Ownership and the Owner's representativeness in the land related (20/06/2022)
This submission proposes to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the State with respect to land to ensure compliance with the 2013 Constitution. The latter stipulates that land and land resources are owned by the entire people and managed by the State on behalf of the owners.
Three terms regarding actualization of Political Platform and Legislature Perception under the leadership of Vietnam Communist Party (20/06/2022)
The People are the owners of land resources, which means each citizen of Vietnam carries two missions for each and the entireity of the 75 million parcels of land in the territory of Vietnam
Structural Poverty and Community Development in Mekong Region Determined by LISO (26/04/2022)
“Helping the indigenous people but without understanding their wisdom, custom and knowledge in their own territorial governance would mean to create a new form of poverty”
Continued Strengthening Livelihood Sovereignty for Villagers Wellbeing through Approaching Holistic Landscape Ecosystem Components (28/03/2022)
With the globalisation of the market economy in a relentless search for ever-increasing levels of economic growth, the balance of humans and nature is being rapidly destroyed
Terms of Reference (ToR) – Political Consultant (11/06/2021)
Political Consultancy Timeline: June – July 2021.
Reviewing Scope: Across Vietnam.
Project location: Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province, Central Highland Vietnam.
This Code of Conduct and Ethics specifies standards of conduct during missions for all SPERI members which include members of the Board of the Institute (former Founding Board), Executive Board members, full-time and part-time staff, seasonal employees, YIELDS – AGREE members, key farmers, volunteers, interns, experts, consultants and other individuals working for or representing SPERI.
ALert System (28/05/2021)
The alert system is a tool to promote responsibility of detecting and reporting in a timely manner of acts related to non-compliance with the SPERI Code of Conduct and Ethics that may cause risks to the philosophy of Nurturing Nature, to good values and traditions of indigenous ethnic communities, as well as to the image and prestige of SPERI and communities.
Agro-Ecology - an Understanding and Practicing with the Indigenous Ethnic Minority Community in Mekong Countries (06/11/2019)
Agro-ecology is a short name which combined Cultivation and Ecology in one term “Agro-ecology”. agro-ecology supports the value of Community Wellbeing over that of Community Production.
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